The lens and the camera (person) choices are exactly like the casting choices.
Achieving Realistic Professional Composites in After Effects
"After Effects is a platform."
One of my professional regrets is not realizing the potential of this program/platform early enough.
Random Lessons Learned from Making Films
I love all the videos David F. Sandberg posted on his YouTube channel, and the latest is another mini-film school that’s worth your 15 minutes.
10 Kung Fu Films Sampled by Wu-Tang Clan
When you think about it, Hip-Hop is lyrical Kung-Fu of African Americans.
Gaming Youtube
Monetizing YouTube videos is easier said than done and this video explains why. (I’m predicting that YouTube ads will eventually drive new generation viewers back to TV. Haha)
"The algorithm is the content."
The following video explains almost everything about the state of Youtube as it exists today.
The next logical question is where will the YouTube algo will bounce to, and who will benefit the most?