Cars of Chernobyl

“[E]very car I’ve seen on the show appears to be a genuine Soviet car or truck, and I’m pretty sure this quantity of Soviet cars has never been shown on any American series before.”

I love how much the show paid attention, and faithful to the Soviet aesthetic of every day objects.

How To Edit With Silence, From TV Editor Chris McCaleb

[Y]ou can’t figure out how to get into somebody else’s head unless you spend time watching them not talk and just being with them and staying on their face.

The silence is not a blank space but filled with the imagination of the audiences.

And what’s cool about visual medium, movies and TV, it’s so many different paintbrushes coming together to paint something that is often totally different than what you imagined it would be. Sometimes it’s better, a lot of times it’s worse but it’s always an interesting journey to get there.

This is why I believe computers/AI will never replace us, editors.

ART OF THE CUT with Evan Schiff, editor of John Wick 3

The other interesting thing that we do is that when we’re in the middle of the director’s cut, we give Chad an Avid with access to all the fight dailies... Being the incredibly knowledgeable martial artist that he is, he’ll go through and he’ll do his own cuts of the fights and then we’ll compare. He’ll see that somebody didn’t get an elbow in the right position in the take that I chose and he’ll find a take where they did.

A great interview about editing one of the best action films in recent year.