Editor Jinmo Yang discusses the unique methods of editing Parasite

If sometimes the acting or the timing was off, we resorted to getting different takes and stitching them together as if it’s one panning shot to perfect the timing and the rhythm and the acting. Director Bong and I frequently do this sort of “VFX stitch work” to perfect the timing as if it’s one shot – stitching various takes together as one shot.

The whole interview is fascinating if you’re a fan of Director Bong and his latest film, Parasite.

Post Production Workflow for a Netflix feature film

Although this video is a soft-sell for an online class, it's a great look into a feature film post production workflow (with #Avid of course)

Editor Lawrence Jordan, ACE masters the Netflix show Sextuplets. Compete in FilmSupply Edit Fest ($80K prize pool): https://thisguyedits.com/editfest Become an Assistant Editor with Master the Workflow (course): https://thisguyedits.com/mastertheworkflow Use Discount Code: TGE50OFF Lawrence Jordan, ACE is a veteran feature film and television editor who has worked with many of the top creatives at the world's largest entertainment companies, including Time Warner, Sony, Fox, MGM, HBO, Netflix and Disney.

Editing Marvel Films

Like everyone else in the world, I would love to work on a Marvel movie one day. (Now where is my Iron Man t-shirt?)

Editing Marvel Films | LAPPG -- New videos online monthly. -- SUBSCRIBE HERE - http://bit.ly/2IzNYsC Debbie Berman Film Editor https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1651766/ Debbie is co-editor of the Marvel blockbuster films - Spider-Man: Homecoming, Black Panther, as well as Captain Marvel and spoke with Monica Daniel at our March 2019 meeting.

How To Edit With Silence, From TV Editor Chris McCaleb

[Y]ou can’t figure out how to get into somebody else’s head unless you spend time watching them not talk and just being with them and staying on their face.

The silence is not a blank space but filled with the imagination of the audiences.

And what’s cool about visual medium, movies and TV, it’s so many different paintbrushes coming together to paint something that is often totally different than what you imagined it would be. Sometimes it’s better, a lot of times it’s worse but it’s always an interesting journey to get there.

This is why I believe computers/AI will never replace us, editors.